Responding to Covid-19 - Pastor Ramesh - Sunday March 15th 2020

  1. This could be the church’s finest hour

    • Katrina church was a shining light

    • Self-sacrificial love of so many. Love in action

    • This is global, not one city

    • We have a similar opportunity

    • People are troubled about their health

    • Many are/will be affected economically, especially small businesses and others

    • Some might be in touch with their human frailty

  2. However we will need to have a heavenly perspective

    • Ps 91, Ps 27:4-5, Ps 131

    • I don’t believe that God’s protection is automatic

    • In all three Psalms there is a pre-requisite that you are dwelling in the secret place, dwelling in the house the Lord, like a weaned child with its mother

    • They all speak of a heart posture of intimacy with the Lord, as desire to be with Him, to know Him more

    • We all know christians who are spirit-filled, Bible-believing but who can succumb to fear and anxiety like the rest of the world

    • You get what you have faith for

  3. Let us shine

    • When people become fearful and feel threatened, they retreat into their own space. Don’t let our WE turn into a ME. Lets choose Love and Honour. Lets look out for each other, especially the elderly in our midst.

    • Lets be in prayer

    • Let’s be bold in Love. Ask God to give us opportunities to share the good news of Jesus. Let’s seize them as they come

    • Lets figure out ways of meeting together in smaller groups. This is the time for those who are not in the connect groups to connect with a couple of other people on a regular basis.